butorphanol tartrate injection, USP Warnings and Precautions


Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is a Schedule IV controlled substance. As an opioid, butorphanol tartrate exposes users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and misuse [see DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE].

Although the risk of addiction in any individual is unknown, it can occur in patients appropriately prescribed butorphanol tartrate. Addiction can occur at recommended dosages and if the drug is misused or abused.

Assess each patient's risk for opioid addiction, abuse, or misuse prior to prescribing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, and monitor all patients receiving butorphanol tartrate for the development of these behaviors or conditions. Risks are increased in patients with a personal or family history of substance abuse (including drug or alcohol abuse or addiction) or mental illness (e.g., major depression). The potential for these risks should not, however, prevent the proper management of pain in any given patient. Patients at increased risk may be prescribed opioids such as Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, but use in such patients necessitates intensive counseling about the risks and proper use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection along with frequent monitoring for signs of addiction, abuse, and misuse.

Opioids are sought for nonmedical use and are subject to diversion from ‎legitimate prescribed use. ‎Consider these risks when prescribing or dispensing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection. Strategies to reduce these risks include prescribing the drug in the smallest appropriate quantity. Contact local state professional licensing board or state-controlled substances authority for information on how to prevent and detect abuse or diversion of this product.

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression

Serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression has been reported with the use of opioids, even when used as recommended. Respiratory depression, if not immediately recognized and treated, may lead to respiratory arrest and death. Management of respiratory depression may include close observation, supportive measures, and use of opioid antagonists, depending on the patient's clinical status [see OVERDOSAGE]. Carbon dioxide (CO2) retention from opioid-induced respiratory depression can exacerbate the sedating effects of opioids.

While serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression can occur at any time during the use of butorphanol tartrate, the risk is greatest during the initiation of therapy or following a dosage increase.

To reduce the risk of respiratory depression, proper dosing and titration of butorphanol tartrate are essential [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION]. Overestimating the butorphanol tartrate dosage when converting patients from another opioid product can result in a fatal overdose with the first dose.

Opioids can cause sleep-related breathing disorders including central sleep apnea (CSA) and sleep-related hypoxemia. Opioid use increases the risk of CSA in a dose-dependent fashion. In patients who present with CSA, consider decreasing the opioid dosage using best practices for opioid taper [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION].

Risks from Concomitant Use with Benzodiazepines or Other CNS Depressants

Profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death may result from the concomitant use of butorphanol tartrate with benzodiazepines and/or other CNS depressants, including alcohol (e.g., non-benzodiazepine sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, other opioids). Because of these risks, reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate.

Observational studies have demonstrated that concomitant use of opioid analgesics and benzodiazepines increases the risk of drug-related mortality compared to use of opioid analgesics alone. Because of similar pharmacological properties, it is reasonable to expect similar risk with the concomitant use of other CNS depressant drugs with opioid analgesics [see PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].

If the decision is made to prescribe a benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant concomitantly with an opioid analgesic, prescribe the lowest effective dosages and minimum durations of concomitant use. In patients already receiving an opioid analgesic, prescribe a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant than indicated in the absence of an opioid, and titrate based on clinical response. If an opioid analgesic is initiated in a patient already taking a benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant, prescribe a lower initial dose of the opioid analgesic, and titrate based on clinical response. Monitor patients closely for signs and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Advise both patients and caregivers about the risks of respiratory depression and sedation when butorphanol tartrate is used with benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants (including alcohol and illicit drugs). Advise patients not to drive or operate heavy machinery until the effects of concomitant use of the benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant have been determined. Screen patients for risk of substance use disorders, including opioid abuse and misuse, and warn them of the risk for overdose and death associated with the use of additional CNS depressants including alcohol and illicit drugs [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients, Drug Interactions].

Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

Use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection for an extended period of time during pregnancy can result in withdrawal in the neonate. Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, unlike opioid withdrawal syndrome in adults, may be life-threatening if not recognized and treated, and requires management according to protocols developed by neonatology experts. Advise pregnant women using opioids for an extended period of time of ‎the risk of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and ensure that ‎ ‎appropriate treatment will be available [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients, Pregnancy].

Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia and Allodynia

Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH) occurs when an opioid analgesic ‎paradoxically causes an increase in pain, or an increase in sensitivity to ‎pain. This condition differs from tolerance, which is the need for ‎increasing doses of opioids to maintain a defined effect [see Dependence]. ‎Symptoms of OIH include (but may not be limited to) increased levels of ‎pain upon opioid dosage increase, decreased levels of pain upon opioid ‎dosage decrease, or pain from ordinarily non-painful stimuli (allodynia). ‎These symptoms may suggest OIH only if there is no evidence of ‎underlying disease progression, opioid tolerance, opioid withdrawal, or addictive ‎behavior.‎

Cases of OIH have been reported, both with short-term and longer-term ‎use of opioid analgesics. Though the mechanism of OIH is not fully ‎understood, multiple biochemical pathways have been implicated. Medical ‎literature suggests a strong biologic plausibility between opioid ‎analgesics and OIH and allodynia. If a patient is suspected to be ‎experiencing OIH, carefully consider appropriately decreasing the dose of ‎the current opioid analgesic or opioid rotation (safely switching the ‎patient to a different opioid moiety) [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION; ‎WARNINGS].‎

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease or in Elderly, Cachectic, or Debilitated Patients

The use of butorphanol tartrate in patients with acute or severe bronchial asthma in an unmonitored setting or in the absence of resuscitative equipment is contraindicated.

Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease

Butorphanol tartrate-treated patients with significant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cor pulmonale, and those with a substantially decreased respiratory reserve, hypoxia, hypercapnia, or pre-existing respiratory depression are at increased risk of decreased respiratory drive including apnea, even at recommended dosages of butorphanol tartrate [see WARNINGS].

Elderly, Cachectic, or Debilitated Patients

Life-threatening respiratory depression is more likely to occur in elderly, cachectic, or debilitated patients because they may have altered pharmacokinetics or altered clearance compared to younger, healthier patients [see WARNINGS].

Monitor such patients closely, particularly when initiating and titrating Butorphanol Tartrate Injection and when Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is given concomitantly with other drugs that depress respiration [see WARNINGS]. Alternatively, consider the use of non-opioid analgesics in these patients.

Adrenal Insufficiency

Cases of adrenal insufficiency have been reported with opioid use, more often following greater than 1 month of use. Presentation of adrenal insufficiency may include non-specific symptoms and signs including nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and low blood pressure. If adrenal insufficiency is suspected, confirm the diagnosis with diagnostic testing as soon as possible. If adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed, treat with physiologic replacement doses of corticosteroids. Wean the patient off of the opioid to allow adrenal function to recover and continue corticosteroid treatment until adrenal function recovers. Other opioids may be tried as some cases reported use of a different opioid without recurrence of adrenal insufficiency. The information available does not identify any particular opioids as being more likely to be associated with adrenal insufficiency.

Risks of Use in Patients with Increased Intracranial Pressure, Brain Tumors, Head Injury, or Impaired Consciousness

In patients who may be susceptible to the intracranial effects of CO2 retention (e.g., those with evidence of increased intracranial pressure or brain tumors), Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may reduce respiratory drive, and the resultant CO2 retention can further increase intracranial pressure. Monitor such patients for signs of sedation and respiratory depression, particularly when initiating therapy with Butorphanol Tartrate Injection.

Opioids may also obscure the clinical course in a patient with a head injury. Avoid the use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection in patients with impaired consciousness or coma.

Risks of Use in Patients with Gastrointestinal Conditions

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is contraindicated in patients with gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus.

Butorphanol in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. Opioids may cause increases in serum amylase. Monitor patients with biliary tract disease, including acute pancreatitis, for worsening symptoms.

Increased Risk of Seizures in Patients with Seizure Disorders

The butorphanol in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may increase the frequency of seizures in patients with seizure disorders, and may increase the risk of seizures occurring in other clinical settings associated with seizures. Monitor patients with a history of seizure disorders for worsened seizure control during Butorphanol Tartrate Injection therapy.


The use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, a mixed agonist/antagonist opioid analgesic, in patients who are receiving a full opioid agonist analgesic may reduce the analgesic effect and/or precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Avoid concomitant use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection with a full opioid agonist analgesic. When discontinuing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, gradually taper the dosage [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION]. Do not abruptly discontinue Butorphanol Tartrate Injection [see DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE].

Cardiovascular Effects

Because butorphanol may increase the work of the heart, especially the pulmonary circuit, the use of butorphanol in patients with acute myocardial infarction, ventricular dysfunction, or coronary insufficiency should be limited to those situations where the benefits clearly outweigh the risk [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].

Severe hypertension has been reported rarely during butorphanol therapy. In such cases, butorphanol should be discontinued and the hypertension treated with antihypertensive drugs. In patients who are not opioid dependent, naloxone has also been reported to be effective.



Hypotension associated with syncope during the first hour of dosing with Butorphanol Tartrate Injection has been reported rarely, particularly in patients with past history of similar reactions to opioid analgesics. Therefore, patients should be advised to avoid activities with potential risks.

Risks of Driving and Operating Machinery

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may impair the mental or physical abilities needed to perform potentially hazardous activities such as driving a car or operating machinery. Warn patients not to drive or operate dangerous machinery unless they are tolerant to the effects of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection and know how they will react to the medication [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients/Caregivers].

Disorders of Respiratory Function or Control

Butorphanol may produce respiratory depression, especially in patients receiving other CNS active agents, or patients suffering from CNS diseases or respiratory impairment.

Hepatic and Renal Disease

In patients with hepatic or renal impairment, the initial dose of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should generally be half the recommended adult dose (0.5 mg IV and 1 mg IM). Repeat doses in these patients should be determined by the patient's response rather than at fixed intervals but will generally be no less than 6 hours apart [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: Pharmacokinetics and Individualization of Dosage sections].

Information for Patients

Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse

Inform patients that the use of butorphanol tartrate, even when taken as recommended, can result in addiction, abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death [see WARNINGS]. Instruct patients not to share butorphanol tartrate with others and to take steps to protect butorphanol tartrate from theft or misuse.

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression

Inform patients of the risk of life-threatening respiratory depression, including information that the risk is greatest when starting butorphanol tartrate or when the dosage is increased, and that it can occur even at recommended dosages [see WARNINGS]. Advise patients how to recognize respiratory depression and to seek medical attention if breathing difficulties develop.

Interactions with Benzodiazepines and Other CNS Depressants

Inform patients and caregivers that potentially fatal additive effects may occur if butorphanol tartrate is used with benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants, including alcohol, and not to use these concomitantly unless supervised by a healthcare provider [see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].

Hyperalgesia and Allodynia

Advise patients to seek medical attention if they ‎experience symptoms of hyperalgesia, including worsening pain, increased ‎sensitivity to pain, or new pain [see WARNINGS; ADVERSE REACTIONS].‎

Serotonin Syndrome

Inform patients that butorphanol tartrate could cause a rare but potentially life-threatening condition resulting from concomitant administration of serotonergic drugs. Warn patients of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome and to seek medical attention right away if symptoms develop after discharge from the hospital. Instruct patients to inform their healthcare providers‎ if they are taking, or plan to take serotonergic medications [see PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].


Advise patients of the potential for severe constipation, including ‎management instructions and when to seek medical attention [see ADVERSE REACTIONS].‎

Driving or Operating Heavy Machinery

Inform patients that Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks such as driving a car or operating machinery and to avoid such tasks while taking this product, until they know how they will react to the medication.


Inform patients that anaphylaxis has been reported with ingredients contained in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection. Advise patients how to recognize such a reaction and when to seek medical attention [see CONTRAINDICATIONS; ADVERSE REACTIONS].


Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

Inform female patients of reproductive potential that use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection ‎for an extended period of time during pregnancy can result in neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, which may be life‑threatening if not recognized and treated [see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS; Pregnancy].

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

Inform female patients of reproductive potential that Butorphanol Tartrate Injection can cause fetal harm and to inform the healthcare prescriber of a known or suspected pregnancy [see PRECAUTIONS; Pregnancy].


Advise nursing mothers to carefully observe infants for increased sleepiness (more than usual), breathing difficulties, or limpness. Instruct nursing mothers to seek immediate medical care if they notice these signs [see PRECAUTIONS; Nursing Mothers].


Inform patients that use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility. It is not known whether these effects on fertility are reversible [see ADVERSE REACTIONS].

Drug Interactions

Benzodiazepines and Other Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants

Due to additive pharmacologic effect, the concomitant use of benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants such as alcohol, other sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, and other opioids, can increase the risk of respiratory depression, profound sedation, coma, and death.

Reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Limit dosages and durations to the minimum required. Inform patients and caregivers of this potential interaction, educate them ‎on the signs and symptoms of respiratory depression (including sedation) [see WARNINGS]. If concomitant use is warranted, consider ‎prescribing naloxone for the emergency treatment of opioid overdose.

Serotonergic Drugs

The concomitant use of opioids with other drugs that affect the serotonergic neurotransmitter system, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), triptans, 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, drugs that affect the serotonin neurotransmitter system (e.g., mirtazapine, trazodone, tramadol), certain muscle relaxants (i.e., cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (those intended to treat psychiatric disorders and also others, such as linezolid and intravenous methylene blue), has resulted in serotonin syndrome [see PRECAUTIONS; INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS].

If concomitant use is warranted, regularly monitor the patient, particularly during treatment initiation and dose adjustment. Discontinue Butorphanol Tartrate Injection if serotonin syndrome is suspected.

Cytochrome P450 (CYP 450) Interactions

It is not known if the effects of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection are altered by concomitant medications that affect hepatic metabolism of drugs (CYP 450 inhibitors or inducers) (e.g., erythromycin, theophylline, etc.), but physicians should be alert to the possibility that a smaller initial dose and longer intervals between doses may be needed.

Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

No information is available about the use of butorphanol concurrently with MAO inhibitors.

Advise patient to avoid concomitant use of these drugs.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


Two-year carcinogenicity studies were conducted in mice and rats given butorphanol tartrate in the diet up to 60 mg/kg/day (12 and 24 times the human daily dose of 24 mg/day based on a body surface area comparison, respectively). There was no evidence of carcinogenicity in either species in these studies.


Butorphanol was not genotoxic in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames) or in an in vitro unscheduled DNA synthesis and repair assay conducted in cultured human fibroblast cells.

Impairment of Fertility

In a study where male rats were treated subcutaneously with 0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg butorphanol for 75 days prior to mating to female rats treated subcutaneously with 0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg butorphanol for 14-days prior to mating and throughout gestation and lactation, no adverse effects on fertility were noted (0.2- and 1-times the human daily dose of 24 mg based on body surface area).

In a study where male rats were treated orally with 10, 40, or 160 mg/kg for 63 days prior to mating to female rats treated orally with the same doses of butorphanol for 14 days prior to mating, reduced pregnancy rates were reported in the high dose group (65-times the human daily dose of 24 mg based on body surface area).


Use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility in females and males of reproductive potential.‎


Pregnancy Category C

Reproduction studies in mice, rats, and rabbits during organogenesis did not reveal any teratogenic potential to butorphanol. However, pregnant rats treated subcutaneously with butorphanol at 1 mg/kg (5.9 mg/m2) had a higher frequency of stillbirths than controls. Butorphanol at 30 mg/kg/oral (360 mg/m2) and 60 mg/kg/oral (720 mg/m2) also showed higher incidences of post-implantation loss in rabbits.

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection in pregnant women before 37 weeks of gestation. Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the infant.

Fetal/Neonatal Adverse Reactions

Use of opioid analgesics for an extended period of time during pregnancy for medical or nonmedical purposes can result in physical dependence in the neonate and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome shortly after birth.

Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome presents as irritability, hyperactivity and abnormal sleep pattern, high pitched cry, tremor, vomiting, diarrhea and failure to gain weight. The onset, duration, and severity of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome vary based on the specific opioid used, duration of use, timing and amount of last maternal use, and rate of elimination of the drug by the newborn. Observe newborns for symptoms of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and manage accordingly [see WARNINGS].

Labor or Delivery

Opioids cross the placenta and may produce respiratory depression and psycho-physiologic effects in neonates. An opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, must be available for reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the neonate. Butorphanol tartrate is not recommended for use in pregnant women during or immediately prior to labor, when other analgesic techniques are more appropriate. Opioid analgesics, including butorphanol tartrate, can prolong labor through actions which temporarily reduce the strength, duration, and frequency of uterine contractions. However, this effect is not consistent and may be offset by an increased rate of cervical dilation, which tends to shorten labor. Monitor neonates exposed to opioid analgesics during labor for signs of excess sedation and respiratory depression.

Butorphanol has been detected in milk following administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection to nursing mothers. The amount an infant would receive is probably clinically insignificant (estimated 4 μg/L of milk in a mother receiving 2 mg IM four times a day).

There have been rare reports of infant respiratory distress/apnea following the administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection during labor. The reports of respiratory distress/apnea have been associated with administration of a dose within 2 hours of delivery, use of multiple doses, use with additional analgesic or sedative drugs, or use in preterm pregnancies [see OVERDOSAGE: Treatment]. In a study of 119 patients, the administration of 1 mg of IV Butorphanol Tartrate Injection during labor was associated with transient (10–90 minutes) sinusoidal fetal heart rate patterns, but 16 was not associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. In the presence of an abnormal fetal heart rate pattern, Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should be used with caution.

Nursing Mothers

Butorphanol has been detected in milk following administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection to nursing mothers. The amount an infant would receive is probably clinically insignificant (estimated 4 μg/L of milk in a mother receiving 2 mg IM four times a day).

The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother's clinical need for butorphanol tartrate and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from butorphanol tartrate or from the underlying maternal condition.

Infants exposed to butorphanol tartrate through breast milk should be monitored for excess sedation and respiratory depression. Withdrawal symptoms can occur in breastfed infants when maternal administration of an opioid analgesic is stopped, or when breast-feeding is stopped.

Pediatric Use

Butorphanol is not recommended for use in patients below 18 years of age because safety and efficacy have not been established in this population.

Geriatric Use

Elderly patients (aged 65 years or older) may have increased sensitivity to butorphanol tartrate. In general, use caution when selecting a dosage for an elderly patient, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

Respiratory depression is the chief risk for elderly patients treated with opioids, and has occurred after large initial doses were administered to patients who were not opioid-tolerant or when opioids were co-administered with other agents that depress respiration. Titrate the dosage of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection slowly in geriatric patients and frequently monitor the patient for signs of central nervous system and respiratory depression [see WARNINGS].

This drug is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function.

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Warnings and Precautions


Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is a Schedule IV controlled substance. As an opioid, butorphanol tartrate exposes users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and misuse [see DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE].

Although the risk of addiction in any individual is unknown, it can occur in patients appropriately prescribed butorphanol tartrate. Addiction can occur at recommended dosages and if the drug is misused or abused.

Assess each patient's risk for opioid addiction, abuse, or misuse prior to prescribing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, and monitor all patients receiving butorphanol tartrate for the development of these behaviors or conditions. Risks are increased in patients with a personal or family history of substance abuse (including drug or alcohol abuse or addiction) or mental illness (e.g., major depression). The potential for these risks should not, however, prevent the proper management of pain in any given patient. Patients at increased risk may be prescribed opioids such as Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, but use in such patients necessitates intensive counseling about the risks and proper use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection along with frequent monitoring for signs of addiction, abuse, and misuse.

Opioids are sought for nonmedical use and are subject to diversion from ‎legitimate prescribed use. ‎Consider these risks when prescribing or dispensing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection. Strategies to reduce these risks include prescribing the drug in the smallest appropriate quantity. Contact local state professional licensing board or state-controlled substances authority for information on how to prevent and detect abuse or diversion of this product.

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression

Serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression has been reported with the use of opioids, even when used as recommended. Respiratory depression, if not immediately recognized and treated, may lead to respiratory arrest and death. Management of respiratory depression may include close observation, supportive measures, and use of opioid antagonists, depending on the patient's clinical status [see OVERDOSAGE]. Carbon dioxide (CO2) retention from opioid-induced respiratory depression can exacerbate the sedating effects of opioids.

While serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression can occur at any time during the use of butorphanol tartrate, the risk is greatest during the initiation of therapy or following a dosage increase.

To reduce the risk of respiratory depression, proper dosing and titration of butorphanol tartrate are essential [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION]. Overestimating the butorphanol tartrate dosage when converting patients from another opioid product can result in a fatal overdose with the first dose.

Opioids can cause sleep-related breathing disorders including central sleep apnea (CSA) and sleep-related hypoxemia. Opioid use increases the risk of CSA in a dose-dependent fashion. In patients who present with CSA, consider decreasing the opioid dosage using best practices for opioid taper [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION].

Risks from Concomitant Use with Benzodiazepines or Other CNS Depressants

Profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death may result from the concomitant use of butorphanol tartrate with benzodiazepines and/or other CNS depressants, including alcohol (e.g., non-benzodiazepine sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, other opioids). Because of these risks, reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate.

Observational studies have demonstrated that concomitant use of opioid analgesics and benzodiazepines increases the risk of drug-related mortality compared to use of opioid analgesics alone. Because of similar pharmacological properties, it is reasonable to expect similar risk with the concomitant use of other CNS depressant drugs with opioid analgesics [see PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].

If the decision is made to prescribe a benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant concomitantly with an opioid analgesic, prescribe the lowest effective dosages and minimum durations of concomitant use. In patients already receiving an opioid analgesic, prescribe a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant than indicated in the absence of an opioid, and titrate based on clinical response. If an opioid analgesic is initiated in a patient already taking a benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant, prescribe a lower initial dose of the opioid analgesic, and titrate based on clinical response. Monitor patients closely for signs and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Advise both patients and caregivers about the risks of respiratory depression and sedation when butorphanol tartrate is used with benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants (including alcohol and illicit drugs). Advise patients not to drive or operate heavy machinery until the effects of concomitant use of the benzodiazepine or other CNS depressant have been determined. Screen patients for risk of substance use disorders, including opioid abuse and misuse, and warn them of the risk for overdose and death associated with the use of additional CNS depressants including alcohol and illicit drugs [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients, Drug Interactions].

Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

Use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection for an extended period of time during pregnancy can result in withdrawal in the neonate. Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, unlike opioid withdrawal syndrome in adults, may be life-threatening if not recognized and treated, and requires management according to protocols developed by neonatology experts. Advise pregnant women using opioids for an extended period of time of ‎the risk of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and ensure that ‎ ‎appropriate treatment will be available [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients, Pregnancy].

Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia and Allodynia

Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH) occurs when an opioid analgesic ‎paradoxically causes an increase in pain, or an increase in sensitivity to ‎pain. This condition differs from tolerance, which is the need for ‎increasing doses of opioids to maintain a defined effect [see Dependence]. ‎Symptoms of OIH include (but may not be limited to) increased levels of ‎pain upon opioid dosage increase, decreased levels of pain upon opioid ‎dosage decrease, or pain from ordinarily non-painful stimuli (allodynia). ‎These symptoms may suggest OIH only if there is no evidence of ‎underlying disease progression, opioid tolerance, opioid withdrawal, or addictive ‎behavior.‎

Cases of OIH have been reported, both with short-term and longer-term ‎use of opioid analgesics. Though the mechanism of OIH is not fully ‎understood, multiple biochemical pathways have been implicated. Medical ‎literature suggests a strong biologic plausibility between opioid ‎analgesics and OIH and allodynia. If a patient is suspected to be ‎experiencing OIH, carefully consider appropriately decreasing the dose of ‎the current opioid analgesic or opioid rotation (safely switching the ‎patient to a different opioid moiety) [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION; ‎WARNINGS].‎

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease or in Elderly, Cachectic, or Debilitated Patients

The use of butorphanol tartrate in patients with acute or severe bronchial asthma in an unmonitored setting or in the absence of resuscitative equipment is contraindicated.

Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease

Butorphanol tartrate-treated patients with significant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cor pulmonale, and those with a substantially decreased respiratory reserve, hypoxia, hypercapnia, or pre-existing respiratory depression are at increased risk of decreased respiratory drive including apnea, even at recommended dosages of butorphanol tartrate [see WARNINGS].

Elderly, Cachectic, or Debilitated Patients

Life-threatening respiratory depression is more likely to occur in elderly, cachectic, or debilitated patients because they may have altered pharmacokinetics or altered clearance compared to younger, healthier patients [see WARNINGS].

Monitor such patients closely, particularly when initiating and titrating Butorphanol Tartrate Injection and when Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is given concomitantly with other drugs that depress respiration [see WARNINGS]. Alternatively, consider the use of non-opioid analgesics in these patients.

Adrenal Insufficiency

Cases of adrenal insufficiency have been reported with opioid use, more often following greater than 1 month of use. Presentation of adrenal insufficiency may include non-specific symptoms and signs including nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and low blood pressure. If adrenal insufficiency is suspected, confirm the diagnosis with diagnostic testing as soon as possible. If adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed, treat with physiologic replacement doses of corticosteroids. Wean the patient off of the opioid to allow adrenal function to recover and continue corticosteroid treatment until adrenal function recovers. Other opioids may be tried as some cases reported use of a different opioid without recurrence of adrenal insufficiency. The information available does not identify any particular opioids as being more likely to be associated with adrenal insufficiency.

Risks of Use in Patients with Increased Intracranial Pressure, Brain Tumors, Head Injury, or Impaired Consciousness

In patients who may be susceptible to the intracranial effects of CO2 retention (e.g., those with evidence of increased intracranial pressure or brain tumors), Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may reduce respiratory drive, and the resultant CO2 retention can further increase intracranial pressure. Monitor such patients for signs of sedation and respiratory depression, particularly when initiating therapy with Butorphanol Tartrate Injection.

Opioids may also obscure the clinical course in a patient with a head injury. Avoid the use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection in patients with impaired consciousness or coma.

Risks of Use in Patients with Gastrointestinal Conditions

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection is contraindicated in patients with gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus.

Butorphanol in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. Opioids may cause increases in serum amylase. Monitor patients with biliary tract disease, including acute pancreatitis, for worsening symptoms.

Increased Risk of Seizures in Patients with Seizure Disorders

The butorphanol in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may increase the frequency of seizures in patients with seizure disorders, and may increase the risk of seizures occurring in other clinical settings associated with seizures. Monitor patients with a history of seizure disorders for worsened seizure control during Butorphanol Tartrate Injection therapy.


The use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, a mixed agonist/antagonist opioid analgesic, in patients who are receiving a full opioid agonist analgesic may reduce the analgesic effect and/or precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Avoid concomitant use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection with a full opioid agonist analgesic. When discontinuing Butorphanol Tartrate Injection, gradually taper the dosage [see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION]. Do not abruptly discontinue Butorphanol Tartrate Injection [see DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE].

Cardiovascular Effects

Because butorphanol may increase the work of the heart, especially the pulmonary circuit, the use of butorphanol in patients with acute myocardial infarction, ventricular dysfunction, or coronary insufficiency should be limited to those situations where the benefits clearly outweigh the risk [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].

Severe hypertension has been reported rarely during butorphanol therapy. In such cases, butorphanol should be discontinued and the hypertension treated with antihypertensive drugs. In patients who are not opioid dependent, naloxone has also been reported to be effective.



Hypotension associated with syncope during the first hour of dosing with Butorphanol Tartrate Injection has been reported rarely, particularly in patients with past history of similar reactions to opioid analgesics. Therefore, patients should be advised to avoid activities with potential risks.

Risks of Driving and Operating Machinery

Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may impair the mental or physical abilities needed to perform potentially hazardous activities such as driving a car or operating machinery. Warn patients not to drive or operate dangerous machinery unless they are tolerant to the effects of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection and know how they will react to the medication [see PRECAUTIONS; Information for Patients/Caregivers].

Disorders of Respiratory Function or Control

Butorphanol may produce respiratory depression, especially in patients receiving other CNS active agents, or patients suffering from CNS diseases or respiratory impairment.

Hepatic and Renal Disease

In patients with hepatic or renal impairment, the initial dose of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should generally be half the recommended adult dose (0.5 mg IV and 1 mg IM). Repeat doses in these patients should be determined by the patient's response rather than at fixed intervals but will generally be no less than 6 hours apart [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY: Pharmacokinetics and Individualization of Dosage sections].

Information for Patients

Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse

Inform patients that the use of butorphanol tartrate, even when taken as recommended, can result in addiction, abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death [see WARNINGS]. Instruct patients not to share butorphanol tartrate with others and to take steps to protect butorphanol tartrate from theft or misuse.

Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression

Inform patients of the risk of life-threatening respiratory depression, including information that the risk is greatest when starting butorphanol tartrate or when the dosage is increased, and that it can occur even at recommended dosages [see WARNINGS]. Advise patients how to recognize respiratory depression and to seek medical attention if breathing difficulties develop.

Interactions with Benzodiazepines and Other CNS Depressants

Inform patients and caregivers that potentially fatal additive effects may occur if butorphanol tartrate is used with benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants, including alcohol, and not to use these concomitantly unless supervised by a healthcare provider [see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].

Hyperalgesia and Allodynia

Advise patients to seek medical attention if they ‎experience symptoms of hyperalgesia, including worsening pain, increased ‎sensitivity to pain, or new pain [see WARNINGS; ADVERSE REACTIONS].‎

Serotonin Syndrome

Inform patients that butorphanol tartrate could cause a rare but potentially life-threatening condition resulting from concomitant administration of serotonergic drugs. Warn patients of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome and to seek medical attention right away if symptoms develop after discharge from the hospital. Instruct patients to inform their healthcare providers‎ if they are taking, or plan to take serotonergic medications [see PRECAUTIONS; Drug Interactions].


Advise patients of the potential for severe constipation, including ‎management instructions and when to seek medical attention [see ADVERSE REACTIONS].‎

Driving or Operating Heavy Machinery

Inform patients that Butorphanol Tartrate Injection may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of potentially hazardous tasks such as driving a car or operating machinery and to avoid such tasks while taking this product, until they know how they will react to the medication.


Inform patients that anaphylaxis has been reported with ingredients contained in Butorphanol Tartrate Injection. Advise patients how to recognize such a reaction and when to seek medical attention [see CONTRAINDICATIONS; ADVERSE REACTIONS].


Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

Inform female patients of reproductive potential that use of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection ‎for an extended period of time during pregnancy can result in neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, which may be life‑threatening if not recognized and treated [see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS; Pregnancy].

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

Inform female patients of reproductive potential that Butorphanol Tartrate Injection can cause fetal harm and to inform the healthcare prescriber of a known or suspected pregnancy [see PRECAUTIONS; Pregnancy].


Advise nursing mothers to carefully observe infants for increased sleepiness (more than usual), breathing difficulties, or limpness. Instruct nursing mothers to seek immediate medical care if they notice these signs [see PRECAUTIONS; Nursing Mothers].


Inform patients that use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility. It is not known whether these effects on fertility are reversible [see ADVERSE REACTIONS].

Drug Interactions

Benzodiazepines and Other Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants

Due to additive pharmacologic effect, the concomitant use of benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants such as alcohol, other sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, and other opioids, can increase the risk of respiratory depression, profound sedation, coma, and death.

Reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Limit dosages and durations to the minimum required. Inform patients and caregivers of this potential interaction, educate them ‎on the signs and symptoms of respiratory depression (including sedation) [see WARNINGS]. If concomitant use is warranted, consider ‎prescribing naloxone for the emergency treatment of opioid overdose.

Serotonergic Drugs

The concomitant use of opioids with other drugs that affect the serotonergic neurotransmitter system, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), triptans, 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, drugs that affect the serotonin neurotransmitter system (e.g., mirtazapine, trazodone, tramadol), certain muscle relaxants (i.e., cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (those intended to treat psychiatric disorders and also others, such as linezolid and intravenous methylene blue), has resulted in serotonin syndrome [see PRECAUTIONS; INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS].

If concomitant use is warranted, regularly monitor the patient, particularly during treatment initiation and dose adjustment. Discontinue Butorphanol Tartrate Injection if serotonin syndrome is suspected.

Cytochrome P450 (CYP 450) Interactions

It is not known if the effects of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection are altered by concomitant medications that affect hepatic metabolism of drugs (CYP 450 inhibitors or inducers) (e.g., erythromycin, theophylline, etc.), but physicians should be alert to the possibility that a smaller initial dose and longer intervals between doses may be needed.

Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

No information is available about the use of butorphanol concurrently with MAO inhibitors.

Advise patient to avoid concomitant use of these drugs.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility


Two-year carcinogenicity studies were conducted in mice and rats given butorphanol tartrate in the diet up to 60 mg/kg/day (12 and 24 times the human daily dose of 24 mg/day based on a body surface area comparison, respectively). There was no evidence of carcinogenicity in either species in these studies.


Butorphanol was not genotoxic in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames) or in an in vitro unscheduled DNA synthesis and repair assay conducted in cultured human fibroblast cells.

Impairment of Fertility

In a study where male rats were treated subcutaneously with 0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg butorphanol for 75 days prior to mating to female rats treated subcutaneously with 0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg butorphanol for 14-days prior to mating and throughout gestation and lactation, no adverse effects on fertility were noted (0.2- and 1-times the human daily dose of 24 mg based on body surface area).

In a study where male rats were treated orally with 10, 40, or 160 mg/kg for 63 days prior to mating to female rats treated orally with the same doses of butorphanol for 14 days prior to mating, reduced pregnancy rates were reported in the high dose group (65-times the human daily dose of 24 mg based on body surface area).


Use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility in females and males of reproductive potential.‎


Pregnancy Category C

Reproduction studies in mice, rats, and rabbits during organogenesis did not reveal any teratogenic potential to butorphanol. However, pregnant rats treated subcutaneously with butorphanol at 1 mg/kg (5.9 mg/m2) had a higher frequency of stillbirths than controls. Butorphanol at 30 mg/kg/oral (360 mg/m2) and 60 mg/kg/oral (720 mg/m2) also showed higher incidences of post-implantation loss in rabbits.

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection in pregnant women before 37 weeks of gestation. Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the infant.

Fetal/Neonatal Adverse Reactions

Use of opioid analgesics for an extended period of time during pregnancy for medical or nonmedical purposes can result in physical dependence in the neonate and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome shortly after birth.

Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome presents as irritability, hyperactivity and abnormal sleep pattern, high pitched cry, tremor, vomiting, diarrhea and failure to gain weight. The onset, duration, and severity of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome vary based on the specific opioid used, duration of use, timing and amount of last maternal use, and rate of elimination of the drug by the newborn. Observe newborns for symptoms of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and manage accordingly [see WARNINGS].

Labor or Delivery

Opioids cross the placenta and may produce respiratory depression and psycho-physiologic effects in neonates. An opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, must be available for reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the neonate. Butorphanol tartrate is not recommended for use in pregnant women during or immediately prior to labor, when other analgesic techniques are more appropriate. Opioid analgesics, including butorphanol tartrate, can prolong labor through actions which temporarily reduce the strength, duration, and frequency of uterine contractions. However, this effect is not consistent and may be offset by an increased rate of cervical dilation, which tends to shorten labor. Monitor neonates exposed to opioid analgesics during labor for signs of excess sedation and respiratory depression.

Butorphanol has been detected in milk following administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection to nursing mothers. The amount an infant would receive is probably clinically insignificant (estimated 4 μg/L of milk in a mother receiving 2 mg IM four times a day).

There have been rare reports of infant respiratory distress/apnea following the administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection during labor. The reports of respiratory distress/apnea have been associated with administration of a dose within 2 hours of delivery, use of multiple doses, use with additional analgesic or sedative drugs, or use in preterm pregnancies [see OVERDOSAGE: Treatment]. In a study of 119 patients, the administration of 1 mg of IV Butorphanol Tartrate Injection during labor was associated with transient (10–90 minutes) sinusoidal fetal heart rate patterns, but 16 was not associated with adverse neonatal outcomes. In the presence of an abnormal fetal heart rate pattern, Butorphanol Tartrate Injection should be used with caution.

Nursing Mothers

Butorphanol has been detected in milk following administration of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection to nursing mothers. The amount an infant would receive is probably clinically insignificant (estimated 4 μg/L of milk in a mother receiving 2 mg IM four times a day).

The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother's clinical need for butorphanol tartrate and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from butorphanol tartrate or from the underlying maternal condition.

Infants exposed to butorphanol tartrate through breast milk should be monitored for excess sedation and respiratory depression. Withdrawal symptoms can occur in breastfed infants when maternal administration of an opioid analgesic is stopped, or when breast-feeding is stopped.

Pediatric Use

Butorphanol is not recommended for use in patients below 18 years of age because safety and efficacy have not been established in this population.

Geriatric Use

Elderly patients (aged 65 years or older) may have increased sensitivity to butorphanol tartrate. In general, use caution when selecting a dosage for an elderly patient, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

Respiratory depression is the chief risk for elderly patients treated with opioids, and has occurred after large initial doses were administered to patients who were not opioid-tolerant or when opioids were co-administered with other agents that depress respiration. Titrate the dosage of Butorphanol Tartrate Injection slowly in geriatric patients and frequently monitor the patient for signs of central nervous system and respiratory depression [see WARNINGS].

This drug is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function.


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